Why Coaching Could Be The Ultimate Middle Finger to The Status Quo If…

Part I: In Theory Coaches Are Helpful…

The Satsang of Discontent and Diaphanous Delusions, a lecture on dis-identity...
The Satsang of Discontent and Diaphanous Delusions, a lecture on dis-identity…


The stranglehold of the status quo lingers over all.

It never worked for me. It still doesn’t. I mean look at this discontented photo a friend took of me.

In my world I kind of don’t give a damn about 90% of what most people fill their lives with. The television shows, the toxic foods, the toxic talk from gossip to crushing self-doubt.

And I thought I might have found a world where things were a bit different.

I thought I might have found a tribe that embraced a different state of being.

But then I realized the same fear and the same desire to belong runs strong through the coaching community as well.

Wherever there are humans there’s the fear, the fear of not fitting in, the fear of not belonging and ultimately the fear of failing in front of others.

And how beautiful it is…

The contradiction…

Where in this is the ultimate middle finger?

Coaches recognize the above and they rail against it even if they don’t realize it, but most see it.

It’s not easy, but they don’t give up.

They keep pushing through, building out whatever it is they must, their practice, their skills, their connection with others.

They are always investing in themselves even when it appears crazy, even when things aren’t going as they wish, even when things are moving magnificently wonderful, they continue to explore.

So yes, they’re a bit crazy, some more than most.

Because deep within they know [show_to accesslevel=”XX”]they are the creators of their reality, and while the world around them pays lip service to the idea, they more than most live from that place as best they can.

That is an exciting way to live life.

It’s not for everyone. It’s not for most.

But it’s amazing what beauty comes from living in the mystery.

And it’s even more wonderful to be surrounded by others who will go on the journey with you.

Part II: Breaking Free Of Constraints

There is a status quo within the coaching world as well.

People conform, people grasp for certainty, people want to be told what to do.

They’ve been trained to live this way from the beginning of time, from schooling to employment, from overt social norms to accepted social niceties.

It’s built into our culture and our society. And there may be a healthy play for it.

It’s beneficial until it isn’t.

Is it serving you or holding you back?

And for some it works but when it doesn’t, when that voice within you is screaming for change, then you must do whatever it takes to break free from the shackles of the status quo.

Part III: Taking Your Place as The Co-Creator of Reality

Leaving the status quo behind and accepting yourself as the one who knows best for you is the ultimate challenge of life.

Being a voice unto yourself and then living from that place is the ultimate middle finger to the status quo.

So how do you do that?

How do you listen to yourself and live from a place with such courage and enthusiasm that your life shocks others with envy?

You turn yourself on to your desires and you own that until you turn on others when you tell them what it is you’re up to in life.

You go for it and do it anyways. Hopefully with as much compassion and wisdom as possible, but you go for it, even if it’s being in action in stillness.

Here’s a flirt for you: Bring people into your life that live with the zeal you desire. At a minimum find those that will support you to the tilt.

That’s what the best coaches in the world do.

Epilogue: The Middle Finger…

Designing your life as you desire, is an act of rebellion, a cause for a revolution within, and an invitation from yourself to yourself, to live as you wish to be.

Even if that’s living amongst the status quo.

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